citizen journalist

Friday, February 10, 2012

Noise Pollution ~

Noise Pollution or Sound Pollution is when the exposure of people or animals to levels of sounds that are annoying, stressful, or damaging to the ears. Although loud and frightening sounds are part of nature, only in recent centuries has much of the world become urban, industrial, and chronically noisy.

Nowadays, most of the noise pollution comes from machines, especially automobiles, trucks, and aircraft. Construction equipment, farm machines, and the din of machinery inside factories can be dangerously loud. Some home appliances, shop tools, lawnmowers, and leaf blowers can also be noisy, as are guns, firecrackers, and some toys. Even music, when played at very high volume, particularly through personal headphones, is as damaging to the ears as a roaring chain saw.

In all of the sources of noise pollution, street traffic is the most prevalent and perhaps damaging source of noise pollution. Noise that is emitted by street traffic is generated by engines, exhaust systems, tires interacting with the road, and horns.

The effects of noise pollution are including hearing loss, non-auditory physiological effects, sleep disruption, annoyance, communication interference, and other effects.

In the conclusion, the best way to avoid noise pollution is to reduce noise and reduce pollution. First of all, we can try to discuss with the person who creating the noise. In the other hand, we can try to cycling if the distant is not that far. Lastly, carpooling has always been a good solution but it never actually materializes here in Malaysia so from now on we can try to carpooling.

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